GRACE Alumni
Name | Title | Supervisor | Institute | Final year |
Hackenbruch, Julia | Ermittlung relevanter Klimaänderungen für städtische Baustrukturen und Wohnquartiere | Prof. Joachim Vogt | IMK-TRO | 2018 |
Pilavtepe, Müge | Mikrostruktur und Rheologie von natürlichen kolloidalen Tonmineralsuspensionen | Prof. Norbert Willenbacher | MVM-AME | 2018 |
Böhnke, Denise | Der Einfluss der Bestandsklimatologie auf die Verbreitung der Holzbock-Zecke Ixodes ricinus in Baden-Württemberg | Prof. Stefan Norra | IfGG | 2017 |
Deetz, Konrad | Aerosol-Wolken-Wechselwirkungen in Westafrika im Projekt DACCIWA | Prof. Christoph Kottmeier | IMK-TRO | 2017 |
Hack, Norman | Refraktäre organische Substanzen im Kapillarsaum: ihre Dynamik, Gradienten und Reaktionen | EBI | 2017 | |
Weixler, Katharina | Arctic mixed-phase clouds: Simulation and comparison with in situ measurements | Prof. Corinna Hoose | IMK-TRO | 2017 |
Metzger, Jutta | Atmosphärische Wasserbilanz im Bereich des Toten Meeres mit Hilfe hochauflösender Simulationen und Messungen | Prof. Christoph Kottmeier | IMK-TRO | 2017 |
Schiebel (Schmitt), Thea | Microphysical investigations of ice in artificial clouds | Prof. Thomas Leisner | IMK-AAF | 2017 |
Schnetzer, Florian | Hydration of smectites - Discriminating water in hydration shells of interlayer cations, excess water in interlayers, water bound to silicate surface and pore water | Dr. Katja Emmerich | IFG | 2017 |
Bulach, Winfried | Stoffstrommanagement biogener Haushaltsabfälle - Ein Vergleich der Verwertungswege mittels Ökobilanz und Ökoeffizienzanalyse | Prof. Liselotte Schebek | ITAS | 2016 |
Chen, Yuan | Long-term Effects of Mitigation Measures and Meteorological Conditions on Aerosol Characteristics in Beijing, China | Prof. Stefan Norra | IMG | 2016 |
Cote Alarcon, Mauricio | Circularity of Carbon-Based Material Systems in the German Anthroposphere | Prof. Liselotte Schebek | ITAS | 2016 |
Dittrich, Andre | Real-Time Event Analysis and Spatial Information Extraction from Text using Social Media Data | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF | 2016 |
Dubois, Clemence | Interferometric Synthetic Aperture RADAR and Radargrammetry towards the Categorization of Building Changes | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF | 2016 |
Fuhrmann, Thomas | Detection of surface displacements in the Upper Rhine Graben area derived from the geodetic measurement techniques (Levelling, InSAR, GNSS) | Prof. Bernhard Heck | GIK | 2016 |
Hack, Normann | Refraktäre organische Substanzen im Kapillarsaum: ihre Dynamik, Gradienten und Reaktionen (DyCap II) | Prof. Fritz Frimmel | EBI | 2016 |
Kiel, Matthäus | Trace gas measurements from different spectral regions using FTIR spectroscopy | Prof. Johannes Orphal | IMK-ASF | 2016 |
Kubanek, Julia | Volcano Monitoring with Bistatic TanDEM-X SAR Interferometry | Prof. Bernhard Heck | GIK | 2016 |
Kuper, Paul | Spatio-Temporal Data Handling for Generic Mobile Geoinformation Systems | Prof. Martin Breunig | GIK | 2016 |
Littwin, Nina | The role of small mammal hosts in the ecology of ticks and tick-borne diseases in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany) | Prof. Horst Taraschewski | ZOO | 2016 |
Peckhaus, Andreas | Study of Phase Transitions in Atmospheric Aerosols: Freezing and Efflorescence of Complex Aqueous Mixtures | Prof. Thomas Leisner | IMK-AAF | 2016 |
Röhner, Luisa | Heavy Precipitation Events in the Western Mediterranean Area: Physical Processes and Predictability | Prof. Christoph Kottmeier | IMK-TRO | 2016 |
Ulrich, Thomas | Uncertainty Modelling of High-precision Trajectories for Industrial Real-time Applications | Prof. Marie Hennes | GIK | 2016 |
Christner, Emanuel | Improvement and application of a diode-laser spectrometer for water isotope-ratio measurements | Prof. Johannes Orphal | IMK-ASF | 2015 |
Fallmann, Joachim | Numerical simulations to assess the effect of urban heat island mitigation strategies on regional air quality | Prof. Stefan Emeis | IMK | 2015 |
Geiger, Felix | Fast-response measurements of organic trace species in the Earth's atmosphere | Prof. Johannes Orphal | IMK | 2015 |
Herrling, Maria Pia | Magnetische Nanopartikel zur Untersuchung von Struktur und Stofftransport in biologischen Systemen | Prof. Harald Horn | EBI | 2015 |
Hilgert, Stephan | Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneities of Methane Emissions of Reservoirs by Correlating Hydro-acoustic with Sediment Parameters | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IMG | 2015 |
Holbach, Andreas | Water quality and pollutant dynamics in the Three Gorges Reservoir on the Yangtze River, China | Prof. Stefan Norra | IMG | 2015 |
Jackisch, Conrad | Linking Structure and Functioning of Hydrological Systems - How to Achieve Necessary Experimental and Model Complexity with Adequate Effort | Prof. Karsten Schulz | IWG | 2015 |
Keller, Sina | Datenbasierte Analyse und Modellbildung zur Abschätzung spezifischer Risiken des Klimawandels für Straßen Methodik und prognostische Bewertung am Beispiel der Bundesfernstraßen in Baden-Württemberg | Prof. Joachim Vogt | IfR | 2015 |
Kraut, Isabel | Einfluss von natürlichem und anthropogenem Aerosol auf die Atmosphäre | Prof. Christoph Kottmeier | IMK-TRO | 2015 |
Kürner, Fabienne | Actor-network Services in the Arctic - Development of a Theoretical and Methodological Concept to Assess Interdependencies Between Nature and Society | Dr. Stefan Norra | IfGG | 2015 |
Lauber, Ute (Bellmann) | Drainage structures and transit-time distributions in conduit-dominated and fissured karst aquifer systems | Prof. Nico Goldscheider | AGW | 2015 |
Nothstein, Alexandra | Selenium Transfer Between Kaolinite or Goethite Surfaces, Nutrient Solution and Oryza Sativa | Prof. Thomas Neumann | IMG | 2015 |
Schenk, Andreas | PS-Interferometrie in urbanen Räumen - Optimierte Schätzung von Oberflächenbewegungen mittels Multi-SBAS-Verfahren | Prof. Bernhard Heck | GIK | 2015 |
Schuffert, Simon | Punktkorrespondenzen in Stereobildern aus projektiven und radiometrischen Invarianzen | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF | 2015 |
Sedlmeier, Katrin | Near future changes of compound extreme events from an ensemble of regional climate simulations | Prof. Christoph Kottmeier | IMK-TRO | 2015 |
Wegner, Antje | Domestic water supply in rural Vietnam - Between self-supply and small scale piped schemes | Prof. Joachim Vogt | IfR | 2015 |
Weinmann, Martin | Reconstruction and Analysis of 3D Scenes: from Irregularly Distributed 3D Points to Object Classes | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF | 2015 |
Adler, Bianca | Boundary-Layer Processes Producing Mesoscale Water-Vapour Variability over a Mountainous Island | Prof. Christoph Kottmeier | IMK | 2014 |
Fosser, Giorgia | Future changes of heavy precipitation events relevant to soil erosion derived from high resolution climate simulations | Prof. Christoph Kottmeier | IMK | 2014 |
Friederich, Felix | Auswirkung präzipitierender Teilchen auf NO und NO2 der oberen Stratosphäre und unteren Mesosphäre: Messungen des Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding | Prof. Johannes Orphal | IMK | 2014 |
Illner, Peter | Depositional Environment of the Upper Cretaceous Oil Shales in the Negev Desert, Israel: Geochemical Constraints Based on Trace Elements and Stable Isotopes | Prof. Thomas Neumann | IMG | 2014 |
Kumar Sha, Mahesh | Characterization and Optimization of the new Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer GLORIA | Prof. Herbert Fischer | IMK-ASF | 2014 |
Maurer (geb. Klüpfel), Vera | Vorhersagbarkeit konvektiver Niederschläge: Hochauflösende Ensemblesimulationen für Westafrika | Prof. Christoph Kottmeier | IMK-TRO | 2014 |
Mbah, Melanie | Brain Drain aus Entwicklungsländern? Migrationsmotive und -prozesse Hochqualifizierter am Beispiel von Nigeria | Prof. Caroline Kramer | IfGG | 2014 |
Schrader, Stefanie | Assessment of air quality in Northern China by using the COSMO-ART model in conjunction with satellite and ground-based data | Prof. Stefan Norra | IfGG | 2014 |
Schoenball, Martin | Evolution of Stress and Seismicity in Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs | Prof. Thomas Kohl | AGW | 2014 |
Shatnawi, Nawras | Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones in the Lower Jordan Valley Using Remote Sensing Approaches | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF / AWG | 2014 |
Stawiarski, Christina | Optimizing Dual-Doppler Lidar Measurements of Surface Layer Coherent Structures with Large-Eddy Simulations | Prof. Christoph Kottmeier | IMK-TRO | 2014 |
Toprak, Emre | Real Time Detection of Primary Biological Aerosol Particles (PBAP) in the Context of Atmospheric Ice Formation | Prof. Stefan Norra | BGU | 2014 |
Wunder, Sina | Zum Fließverhalten um strauchartige Weidengewächse und dessen Auswirkungen auf den Strömungswiderstand | Prof. Franz Nestmann | IWG | 2014 |
Alshawaf, Fadwa | Constructing Water Vapor Maps by the Fusion of InSAR, GNSS and WRF Data | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF | 2013 |
Bähr, Hermann | Orbital Effects in Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry | GIK | 2013 | |
Braun, Andreas | Eine geoökologische und fernerkundliche Prozessanalyse zum Risikozusammenhang zwischen Landnutzung und Biodiversität an einem Beispiel aus Chile | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF | 2013 |
Kappler, Melanie | Ruhestandsmigration der deutschen Nachkriegskohorte. Umzugsneigungen und Umzugspläne im Übergang zum Ruhestand aus individueller Perspektive | Prof. Caroline Kramer | IfGG | 2013 |
Mallick, Bishawjit | Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit zunehmender Verwundbarkeit Eine Analyse der sozialen Bedingungen für vulnerabilitätsorientierte räumliche Planung in den Küstenzonen von Bangladesch | Prof. Joachim Vogt | IfR | 2013 |
Richter, Daniela | How people describe their place. Approaches to formalizing and interpreting place descriptions | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF | 2013 |
Steinke, Isabell | Ice nucleation properties of mineral dusts | Prof. Thomas Leisner | IMK-AAF | 2013 |
Tang, Xiaohui | Separating arsenic oxyanions from natural waters for oxygen isotope analysis | Prof. Stefan Norra | IMG | 2013 |
Thiele, Antje | 3D Building Reconstruction From High Resolution Multi-Aspect Interferometric Synthetic Aperture RADAR Data | Prof. Uwe Sörgel | IPF | 2013 |
Walter, Carolin | Assimilation von Messdaten zur Prognose von primären und sekundären Aerosolen vulkanischen Ursprungs in COSMO-ART und ICON-ART | Prof. Christoph Kottmeier | IMK-TRO | 2013 |
Woiwode, Wolfgang | Qualification of the airborne FTIR spectrometer MIPAS-STR and study on denitrification and chlorine deactivation in Arctic winter 2009/10 | Prof. Johannes Orphal | IMK-ASF | 2013 |
Zeng, Yuefei | Efficient radar forward operator for operational data assimilation within the COSMO-model | Prof. Klaus Dieter Beheng | IMK-TRO | 2013 |
Sturm, Ulrike | Fernerkundungsgestützte Prozessanalyse im Küstenraum Benins | Prof. Joachim Vogt | IPF | 2012 |
Kaden, Heike | Frequency dependent complex dielectric permittivity and characterisation of dielectric properties of clay-water mixtures containing swellable and non-swellable clay minerals at low water contents | Dr. Katja Emmerich | IFG | 2012 |
Bork-Unkelbach, Annika | Extrapolation von in-situ Landoberflächentemperaturen auf Satellitenpixel | Prof. Johannes Orphal | IMK | 2012 |