Current GRACE Module Catalog

Lectures WS 2024/25 - Topic-Related (A) and Cross-Cutting Courses (B)
Title Type Lecturer Contact hours
Lecture / Practice (VÜ) Prof. Dr. Olivier Eiff 4
Lecture (V) Dr. Jan Wienhöfer
Lecture (V) Dr.-Ing. Martin Weinmann 2
Lecture (V) apl. Prof. Dr. Boris Jutzi 2
Lecture (V) Dr. Andreas Schäfer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rietbrock
Practice (Ü) Riccardo Porreca 2
Practice (Ü) Dr. Andreas Schäfer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rietbrock

More lectures and practices can be found in the KIT Course Catalog. If you choose courses that are not listed in the GRACE Module Catalog, please contact the lecturer and ask whether doctoral students are welcome in the course.