GRACE Steering Board

Institution Name
KIT Climate and Environment Center (ZKU) Scientific Spokesperson ZKU Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers
Topic "Atmosphere and Climate" Prof. Dr. Thomas Leisner
Topic "Water" Prof. Dr. Olivier Eiff
Topic "Geological Resources" Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb
Topic "Ecosystems" Prof. Dr. Nadine Rühr
Topic "Urban.Research" Prof. Dr. Michael Janoschka
Topic "Natural Hazards and Risk Management" Prof. Dr. Michael Kunz
Topic "AI in Environmental Sciences" Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hinz
Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)   Dr. Britta Trautwein
Division IV "Natural and Built Environment"   Prof. Dr. Johannes Orphal
Research group leader outside ZKU, elected for two years  
Young investigator at KIT, elected for two years   Dr. Larissa Lacher
Graduate School for Climate and Environment (GRACE) Spokesperson Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hinz
Coordinator Dr. Andreas Schenk
PhD student representatives M.Sc. Jaewon Son
M.Sc. Dennis Haitz
M.Sc. Andressa de Araujo Silva
M.Sc. Shruthi Gopirajan Andaladi Thekkethil


Next steering board meetings:
May 8, 2025, 14:00-15:00
July 22, 2025, 14:00-15:00