GRACE PhD Students
Name | Research Topic | Supervisor | Institute |
Adamu, Fadila | Influence of paleoweathering and fluid chemistry on critical metal mineralization in the Delitzsch carbonatite, Eastern Germany | Prof. Jochen Kolb | AGW |
Ahmad, Tanveer | Geochemistry and petrology of the Kohistan Batholith Granitoids from Central Kohistan Magmatic Arc in northern Swat, Pakistan | Prof. Kirsten Drüppel | AGW |
Albers, Anna | Analysis of the heat transport in borehole heat exchangers | Prof. Philipp Blum | AGW |
Ali, Naveed | Nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater using partial denitrification-anammox (PD-A) process | Dr. Stephan Fuchs | IWG |
Alifdini, Inovasita | Changing cumulative risks from extreme windstorms in a changing climate | Prof. Joaquim Pinto | IMKTRO |
Almeida Yakouchenkova, Iulia Milena | A novel approach to valuation of ecosystem services from urban forests | Dr. Somidh Saha | ITAS |
Andaladi Thekkethil, Shruthi Gopirajan | Assessment of fire regime and socio-ecological responses to forest fire in the Western Himalayan Region: a socio-ecological case study on the fire prone districts of Uttarakhand | Dr. Somidh Saha | ITAS |
de Araujo Silva, Andressa | The formation of atypical orogenic Au deposits: insight from Finnland greenstone belts | Prof. Jochen Kolb | AGW |
Correia Leite Arthuzzi, Jorge | Magma evolution in space and time along the Kuboos-Bremen Line | Prof. Jochen Kolb | AGW |
Ayajuru, Nelson Chinaka | Characterization of ore-forming fluids and genetic model of gold deposits through fluid inclusion and isotope studies | Prof. Jochen Kolb | AGW |
Bala, Elzina | How does the vertical structure of the tropical atmosphere determine the response of tropical rain belts to global warming? | Prof. Peter Knippertz | IMKTRO |
Banon, Fabrice | Suburbanisierung als Motor der Stadtentwicklung in Westafrika. Ein Analyse der Akteure, ihrer Strategien und Maßnahmen zur Erklärung der Prozesse städtischen Wachstums anhand ausgewählter Agglomerationen | Prof. Joachim Vogt | IfR |
Bauer, Jonas | Dynamics of ground- and surface water quality caused by intensive land subsidence, climate- and landuse changes in the southern Mekong Delta, Vietnam | Prof. Stefan Norra | AGW |
Beckmann-Wübbelt, Angela | Räumliche Bewertung der Ökosystemleistungen städtischer Wälder zur Untersuchung von Möglichkeiten für naturbasierte Lösungen: Eine Studie aus Kumasi, Ghana | Dr. Somidh Saha | ITAS |
Blomley, Rosemarie | Investigation on vegetational structures based on full-waveform laser scanning analysis | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF |
Campoverde, Andrea | Impact of recent and future drought events on river discharge and fluvial transport sector for the Rhine River | Dr. Uwe Ehret | IMKTRO |
Chatzopoulou, Anthi | On the future evolution of UV and visible solar radiation arising from projected changes in atmospheric composition | Prof. Peter Braesicke | IMKASF |
Chawla, Jayati | Urban Heat and Environmental Justice | Dr. Susanne Benz | IPF |
Christ, Svenja | Intensity and structural changes of extreme mid-latitude cyclones in a warming climate | Prof. Joaquim Pinto | IMKTRO |
Degenhardt, Tino | Ableitung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen aus Bodenwasserhaushaltsparametern unter Berücksichtigung des Klimawandels für Trinkwasserschutzgebiete am Bespiel der Region Bühl | Prof. Jochen Kolb | AGW |
Dillerup, Ines | Dynamical systems perspective on weather regimes and temperature extremes in Europe in a changing climate | Prof. Joaquim Pinto | IMKTRO |
Dohmwirth, Verena | Sustainable potential of shallow geothermal heat recycling in the German context | Dr. Susanne Benz | IPF |
Dörr, Felix | Land susidence and ground water dynamics in delta regions with focus on the Vietnamese Mekong Delta | Prof. Franz Nestmann, Prof. Stefan Norra | AGW |
Ezenobi, Uzoamaka | Temperature and humidity dependence of SOA formation from camphene and its mixtures with isoprene, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes | Prof. Patrick Théato | IMKAAF |
Farshian Abbasi, Anis | Deep learning for remote sensing applications | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF |
Feld, Lena | Variability og greenhouse gases in SE Europe | Prof. Peter Braesicke | IMKASF |
Githenya, Lincoln | Petrology, Tectonics and Economic Mineral Evaluation of the Neoproterozoic Mozambique belt rocks of Tharaka area, Kitui County, Eastern Kenya | Prof. Jochen Kolb | AGW |
Gkirmpas, Panagiotis | Development and validation of an intergraded inverse numerical modeling methodology for the assessment of urban air quality | Prof. Michael Beigl | TecO |
Glocke, Patricia | Effects of subsurface temperatures on urban heat | Dr. Susanne Benz | IPF |
Goldberg, Valentin | Selective precipitation of dissolved minerals of geothermal brines | Prof. Thomas Kohl | AGW |
Haitz, Dennis | Automatisierte Schadensdetektion an Industrieobjekten mittels multisensorieller berührungsloser 3D-Datenerfassung | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF |
Hajizadeh Javaran, Mohammad Reza | City-scale groundwater modeling using an archetype approach | Dr. Kathrin Menberg | AGW |
Hamel, Adrian | Angularly-resolved polarisation properties of atmospheric ice crystals | Dr. Emma Jävinen | IMKAAF |
Hanft, Valentin | POF - Prognostic Ozone for ICON | Prof. Peter Braesicke | IMKASF |
Hühn, Elias | Simulation and observations of hail growth processes and hail trajectories | Prof. Michael Kunz | IMKTRO |
Hundhausen, Marie | Convection permitting climate simulations of extremes and their benefit for local adaptation measures in Southern Germany | Prof. Joaquim Pinto | IMKTRO |
Ibrahimli, Mehdi | Automatic delineation and classification of homogeneous sedimentary facies in acoustic imaging | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF |
Ioannides, Giannis | Simulation of pollutant emissions in cities created by transportation means | Prof. Michael Beigl | TecO |
Ioannidou, Georgia | Catalytic upgrading of residual biomass derived alcohols towards lower olefins production | Prof. Jörg Sauer | IKFT |
Ioannidou, Soultana | Catalytic conversion of biomass derived sugars towards oxygenated precursors of hydrocarbon transportation fuels | Prof. Jörg Sauer | IKFT |
Jäger, Miriam | Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) applied to Laser Scanning for improved mapping | Prof. Boris Jutzi | IPF |
Jia, Yichen | Constraining aerosol-low cloud interactions with multi-target machine learning | Prof. Jan Cermak | IMKASF / IPF |
Kamm, Bettina | Water vapour estimation from PS-InSAR observations for 3D tomography of the atmosphere | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF |
Kavil Kambrath, Gokul | Near-real-time probabilistic Hail Detection based on polarimetric radar quantities and environmental conditions using machine learning methods (HailDetect) | Prof. Michael Kunz | IMKTRO |
Keinert, Alice | Laboruntersuchungen zu Sekundäreisprozessen in Mischphasenwolken | Prof. Thomas Leisner | IMKASK |
Kistner, Frederick | Entwicklung und Erprobung der Footprint Identification Technique (FIT) zur Identifikation von Tier-Individuen mittels bildbasierter Verfahren | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF |
Krikau, Svea | Mehrskaliges Monitoring der Gewässerparameter Chlorophyll und Trübung in Fließgewässern mittels Methoden der Fernerkundung | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF |
Küpfer, Katharina | Serielles Clustering von Extremwetterereignissen in Mitteleuropa | Prof. Michael Kunz | IMKTRO |
Laimer, Tobias | Effects of environmental policy area targets on land use and ecosystem services | Prof. Almut Arneth | IMKIFU |
Latt, Melissa | Ursachen für die Häufung von Hagelgewittern in der Region oberes Neckartal/Schwäbische Alb | Prof. Peter Knippertz | IMKTRO |
Lee, Haegyeong | Reconciling the groundwater heat transport mechanisms in heteroogeneous sediments at different scales | Prof. Philipp Blum | AGW |
Li, Yanxia | Biogenic volatile organic compounds concentrations and their conversion to oxidized VOCs and secondary organic aerosol particles | Prof. Jan Cermak | IMKAAF |
Liu, Xiaoyue | The influence of carbonates on hydraulic properties of silts (natural loams and artificial mixtures) as function of fabric/microstructure, mineralogy and fluid composition | Prof. Katja Emmerich | IMB |
Liu, Yi-Yu | Closing the gap in the dioctahedral 2:1 layer silicate series | Prof. Katja Emmerich | CMM |
Lo, Nga Ying | Generation and examination of global IASI satellite data on regional long-term scales | Prof. Peter Braesicke | IMKASF |
Ma, Yiling | A highly efficient machine learning-based ozone parameterization for climate sensitive simulations | Prof. Peter Braesicke | IMKASF |
Malik, Deepanshu | Mapping fog and its ecological impacts in the Namib Desert with satellite observations and deep learning | Prof. Jan Cermak | IMKASF / IPF |
Mass, Alexandre | Satellite-based analysis of fog life cycles in the Namib desert | Prof. Jan Cermak | IMKASF |
Mazroob, Nima | Management of big 3D geospatial data | Prof. Martin Breunig | GIK |
Mihalyfi-Dean, Christine | Innovative climate indices for implementing climate adaption measures in rural areas - Using the example of Freudenstadt | Prof. Michael Janoschka | IMKTRO |
Müller, Yanina | Towards an improved understanding of transport processes governing the spatiotemporal dynamics of particles and fecal bacteria in karst aquifers | Prof. Nico Goldscheider | AGW |
Muth, Lisa Janina | Simultionen der australischen Vegetationsbrände 2019/2020 mit dem numerischen Modell ICON | Prof. Corinna Hoose | IMKTRO |
Nasir, Muhammad | Tracing the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of carbonatites – the syn- and pre-orogenic carbonatites of Pakistan | Prof. Jochen Kolb | AGW |
Niederhuber, Thomas | Pore pressure and stress in the upper crust - implications for fault reactivation and reservoir options | Prof. Frank Schilling | AGW |
Petrovska, Ivana | Geometric accuracy analysis of complex 3D structures reconstructed by Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) | Prof. Boris Jutzi | IPF |
Pham, Van Cam | Identification and adaptation of mitigation measures to counteract intensive land subsidence in a tropical delta system - the example of Camau-Peninsula, Southern Vietnam | Prof. Stefan Norra | AGW |
Rahman, Irvanu | Importance of cultural ecosystem services from green space for increasing social-ecological resilience during urban transformation towards sustainability - a participatory system dynamics-based assessment in Indonesian cities | Prof. Armin Grundwald | ITAS |
Rambhia, Mihir | Connection of the transition to sustainable urban development with smart cities, sensor/big data and their implications | IIP | |
Raza, Mohsin | Fluid inclusion systematics in carbonatites and carbonatite-derived rocks | Prof. Jochen Kolb | AGW |
Riehm, Albert | Genesis of REE and Niobium mineralization in Carbonatites from Namibia/Angola | Prof. Kirsten Drüppel | AGW |
Röckel, Luisa | Der Einfluss temporärer Vergletscherungen auf den Porendruck und das tektonische Spannungsfeld | Prof. Frank Schilling | AGW |
Röhling, Amelie Ninja | Evaluation of trace gases using time series of ground-based FTIR observations for the validation of TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite data | Prof. Jan Cermak | IMKASF |
Sadiq, Sadia | Surface Representation and Area wise Deformation Analysis using TLS | Prof. Corinna Harmening | GIK |
Schäfer, Jannika | Synthetic LiDAR datasets for an improved understanding of remote sensing-based forest inventory designs | Prof. Sebastian Schmidtlein | IfGG |
Schiefer, Felix | Deep Learning in der Vegetationsfernerkundung | Prof. Sebastian Schmidtlein | IfGG |
Schulz, Marcel | Die zeitliche Entwicklung der Undichtigkeit von zementhinterfüllten Speicherbohrungen bei zyklischen Belastungen | Prof. Frank Schilling | AGW |
Schwarz, Selina | Detecting the effects of drought and heat waves on trees and forests in Germany using multimodal time series | Prof. Nadine Rühr | IMKIFU |
Sibarani, Betseba | Characteristics of hydrothermal fluids in orogenic environments: case studies at Bittuang and Wapsalit geothermal prospects (Indonesia) | Prof. Jochen Kolb | AGW |
Slunitschek, Klemens | Selective lithium extraction from geothermal brines of the Upper Rhine Graben | Prof. Jochen Kolb | AGW |
Son, Jaewon | Co-designing future urban and peri-urban forests to maximize ecosystem services and social-ecological resilience - a case study in upper Rhine river valley, Germany | Dr. Somidh Saha | ITAS |
Song, Jiangyuan | Quality-controlled Mobile Laser Scanning for 3D Modeling and Digital Twinning | Prof. Corinna Harmening | GIK |
Sperka, Christian | Managing European Hail Risk under Climate Change (HAR-CC) | Prof. Michael Kunz | IMKTRO |
Stadelmaier, Kim | The regional climate in the Caspian Sea region during the last glacial cycle | Prof. Joaquim Pinto | IMKTRO |
Stricker, Kai Robin | Hochtemperatur Wärmespeicherung in ehemaligen Kohlenwasserstoffreservoiren | Prof. Thomas Kohl | AGW |
Thomas, Julia | The added value of campaign observations for high-resolution numerical weather prediction of summer-time convection | Prof. Peter Knippertz | IMKTRO |
Tonn, Mathis | Assessing the Impact of Hailstorms in a Future Climate (HailClim) | Prof. Michael Kunz | IMKTRO |
Tran, Viet Hoan | Development of a prognosis tool for the salt water intrusion process into aquifers in the Mekong Delta in the context of land use management and climate change | Prof. Stefan Norra | AGW |
Trinh, Cong Dan | Cohesive sediment dynamic under wave and structural interaction in West coast of Vietnam Mekong delta | Prof. Franz Nestmann | IWG |
Umar Ahmed, Usman | Petrogenesis, geochronology and economic mineralization of granitic pegmatites, Bauchi State, Nigeria | Prof. Kirsten Drüppel | AGW |
Vadarlis, Athanasios | Generation of pure hydrogen from wet waste biomass via supercritical water gasification and sequential reforming of the hydrocarbons | Prof. Jörg Sauer | IKFT |
Vu Huu, Long | Surface water quality assessment using multi-sensor on multi-level remote sensing in Ca Mau peninsula, Vietnam | Prof. Stefan Hinz | IPF |
Wallentin, Gabriella Linnea | Modelling Arctic Multilayer Mixed Phase Clouds | Prof. Corinna Hoose | IMKTRO |
Wilhelms, Andre | Sensor system development for highly time and depth resolved monitoring of vertical gradients and dynamics of surface water quality parameters | Prof. Stefan Norra | AGW |
Wu, Chunying | Impact of climate change and environmental water delivery on floodplain vegetation: a case study of a connected floodplain-lakes system | Prof. Stefan Norra | AGW |
Zeinalova, Natalya | Numerical Modelling of Lava Dynamics | Prof. Frank Schilling | AGW |
Zhang, Hengheng | Spatial distribution of aerosol particles in and above the planetary boundary layer studied by scanning LIDAR measurements | Prof. Thomas Leisner | IMKAAF |