Linking Scientists in Urban Research

This workshop aims to connect young researchers whose research is in the diverse field of urban research or relevant methodologies.
The young scholars will get a broad overview of the role of cities in relation to global problems of the 21st century as well as the many research topics that are united under the term urban studies. The young scholars will work together in thematic small groups to identify open topics, issues and research questions and bring together their unique knowledge.
Another important aspect is the question of how their research results can be put into practice. The workshop will therefore begin with an impulse lecture by Dr. Joachim Fallmann, who is responsible for the topics of urban climate and air pollution control in the Office of Technical Environmental Protection and Water Management of the City of Heidelberg, and will provide insight into the translation of scientific findings into urban planning action.
Target group
The workshop addresses PhD candidates doing their research in the wide field of urban research, from technical to engineering fields (mobility, energy, water management, materials, buildings etc.) to environmental aspects (urban climate, air quality, urban green etc.) as well as social and transformative science (urban geography, human as well as renewable energy and material use, but is also intended for PhD researchers in the field of environmental and climate research, who are interested in a general introduction to this topic.
Date: July 28, 2022, 3.00 - 6.00 pm
Location: KIT Campus South, Building 30.95 (Audimax), seminar room A+B. It is recommended to attend in person, but remote participation will be possible. Remote participants
Speaker: Dr. Denise Böhnke, KIT Urban Research
Registration: The deadline for online registration has expired, but you can still register for the workshop by sending an e-mail to Denise Böhnke.